For any special access requirements please contact the box office on 028 9244 7744, Monday – Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm, or leave a message outside of these times and someone will call you back. Alternatively you can email [email protected] with details of your access requirements and our box office staff will be able to assist you.
Dreamworld Promotions presents Born To Be Wild
This new and exciting Jungle themed kids show is sure to keep your little cheeky chimps ENTERTAINED!
Join us on our adventure through the Jungle with Henrietta, a clever young Hippo who is always asking “Why?” She is joined by Eddie Elephant, Gilbert Giraffe and Deborah Zebra along the way.
An action-packed stage show with audience participation, games, riddles, sing-along songs and amazing characters.
Suitable for ages 1 - 9 years.
Show finishes 3.20pm approx